section contains – when exactly each activity should start and end? Exact date
should be mentioned and for every activity, date will be specified.
as we can see from the above figure – for every specified activity, there will
be a starting date and closing date. For every build, there will be a specified
date. For every type of testing for each build, there will be a specified date
this section, we mention – how to communicate the defects found during testing
to the development team and also how development team should respond to it. We
should also mention the priority of the defect – high, medium, low.
1. Procedure to track the defect
2. Defect tracking
mention the name of the tool we will be using to track the defects
3. Severity
3.1 Blocker(or Showstopper)
…. (define it with an example
in the test plan)
For ex, there will be bug in
the module. We cannot go and test the other modules because this blocker has blocked the other
3.2 Critical
… (define it with an example)
Bugs which affects the
business is considered critical
3.3 Major
… (Define it with an example)
Bugs which affects look and
feel of the application is considered as major
3.4 Minor
… (Define it with an example)
4. Priority
4.1 High – P1
4.2 Medium – P2
4.3 Low – P3
… P4
depending on the priority of the defect(high, medium or low), we classify it as
P1, P2, P3, P4.